Congress For World Peace

A peaceful person can bring peace to a neighborhood, a peaceful neighborhood can build a peaceful nation. World-Wide youth congress is an organization that believes in educating the youth is the best way to bring peace to the world. The leaders of the World Wide Youth Congress firmly believe that this is achievable.

An eye for an eye – will make the whole world blind. Our leaders of yesteryear believed in peace and that talks can bring an end to conflicts. We offer unique opportunities to nurture the hidden talents of the youth.

World Wide Youth Congress aims to be the stage from where the youth can jump and achieve higher goals in life. Youth have a tremendous amount of energy which we want to put to use in a positive way. We believe that work initiated with good intentions will have good results. A peaceful and prosperous world is what many great leaders have envisioned. While we want to follow the path, we also have our philosophy for world peace.

A healthy and calm mind has much more potential than one going through conflict. Conflicts around the world are causing immense strain on resources. We know that one day these conflicts will come to an end. And then these dynamic youth will emerge as leaders in their fields. As an Organization for World Peace, we are trying to bring harmony through education. Education is that tool that can catalyst the peace process.

Today’s youth are very talented, they only lack guidance. We as a Global Peace Organization understand the importance of mentors. Our volunteers, leaders, and mentors have a treasure of experience which they are willing to share with the youth. They are ready to provide all kind of support and create the platform which will allow youth to be more confident. Our volunteers are conducting regular seminars and workshops on building a life in these adverse situations.

We want them to learn to earn their livelihood in a sustainable way. Get the resources locally and market it all over. This will build a strong bond. Our global leaders can provide the framework for businesses. We understand that the pandemic has put a strain on already stressful youth. We want to get them out of their troubles. We would like to see each youth member of our organization be financially independent.

Worldwide volunteers are working with the local youth and citizens to solve the issues at the grassroots. We also hold healthy discussions for a better understanding of the issues. We are a pioneer Organization for World Peace that is focusing all our energies on youth. Because we know that tomorrow’s world belongs to youth. And only if they have the necessary skills that they will be able to face the problems.

We are a non-political and non-religious group. But we aim to educate the youth with correct political knowledge. We also help them get mental balance. Thus, a person equipped with all the knowledge will not only bring peace but also uplift his neighborhood. We have a responsibility as Global Peace Organization to bring the youth together for a better world. Well-connected youth can be helpful for each other. Their combined potential can bring peace to society.


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